Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2.0 Version of Website Unveiled

A 2.0 version of the T. C. Lewis & Co. website is being unveiled in a few days, and we wanted to give a preview to our newsletter readers. Please feel free to take the new site for a spin and see what you think.

The new site has a few highlights to note:

-It is designed on a platform that operates better with Safari browser users and Apple products in general, including the iPad and iPhone.

-The site still features a mobile site that will automatically generate for visitors from a mobile phone, but now has the option to view the full site if visitors prefer

-It provides for easier access to the mobile search app for free download right on the homepage.

-The site brings searching all properties for sale or lease in our areas of coverage to your fingertips for all of East Tennessee, Southwest Virginia, and Western North Carolina. Check out the 'My TCL Account' button at the top of the page to setup your own password protected account for viewing and saving properties for review.

-It features a 'company news' section to keep visitors in the know about the goings on inside the company.

-The site discusses expanded services and more in-depth detail of exactly what we have to offer, as well as maintaining an ease of operation and flow to find exactly what you want to see quickly and efficiently.

Thanks for keeping up with us via newsletter, and please enjoy the new site. We hope that it makes your online experience with us even better. Feel free to share with friends and family, and let us know if you find kinks in the site. We are still making tweaks and expanding the site as the company continues to grow and expand.